Pink Eye
Pink Eye
Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva – the clear membrane that covers the white part of your eye. It is usually caused by a virus or bacteria, but can also be caused by allergies or irritation from a foreign object entering your eye. Symptoms include redness in the eye(s), itchiness, pain, discharge from the eye(s), and increased sensitivity to light.
If you think you may have pink eye, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible. Treatments vary depending on what caused the infection; however, at CleCare Urgent Care center provides a range of services, including diagnosis and treatment of pink eye. Your provider may recommend antibiotics for bacterial pink eye, antiviral medicines for viral pink eye, or over-the-counter medications for pink eye caused by allergies or irritants. Additionally, your provider may advise you to use cold compresses, lubricating eyedrops, or antihistamines for pink eye caused by allergies.
It is important to remember that pink eye can be highly contagious; thus it is important to avoid touching your eyes and follow the instructions of your doctor when seeking treatment. In order to prevent pink eye from spreading, you should also avoid sharing linens, towels, and makeup with others.
If you think you may have pink eye, visit us at CleCare Urgent Care as soon as possible to receive a diagnosis and treatment. Doing so can help relieve symptoms, prevent the infection from spreading, and get back to feeling better quickly.