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33. Proteomic and metabolic disturbances in lignin-modified Brachypodium distachyon

Jaime Barros*, Him K. Shrestha, Juan C. Serrani-Yarce, Nancy L. Engle, Paul E. Abraham, Timothy J. Tschaplinski, Robert L. Hettich, Richard A. Dixon* (2022)

The Plant Cell, Volume 70, Issue 10, Pages 3136-3141

32. Cell Wall Composition Impacts Structural Characteristics of the Stems and Thereby Biomass Yield

Ana López-Malvar*, Rogelio Santiago, Xose C. Souto, Jaime Barros, Leonardo D. Gómez, Rosa A. Malvar (2022)

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume 70, Issue 10, Pages 3136-3141

31. Multi-omic characterization of bifunctional peroxidase 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase knockdown in Brachypodium distachyon provides insights into lignin modification-associated pleiotropic effects

Him K. Shrestha, Yosef Fichman, Nancy L. Engle, Timothy J. Tschaplinski, Ron Mittler, Richard A. Dixon, Robert L Hettich, Jaime Barros*, Paul E. Abraham* (2022)

Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 13, Article number 908649

30. Elucidating the multifunctional role of the cell wall components in the maize exploitation

Ana López-Malvar, Rosa A Malvar, Xose Carlos Souto, Leonardo D Gomez, Rachael Simister, Antonio Encina, Jaime Barros, Sonia Pereira-Crespo, Rogelio Santiago* (2021)

BMC Plant Biology, Volume 21, Article number 251

29. Phylogenetic occurrence of the phenylpropanoid pathway and lignin biosynthesis in plants

Tao Yao, Kai Feng, Meng Xie, Jaime Barros, Timothy Tschaplinski, Gerald A. Tuskan, Wellington Muchero, Jin-Gui Chen* (2021)

Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 12, Article number 704697

28. Targeting hydroxycinnamoyl CoA: shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase for lignin modification in Brachypodium distachyon

Juan C. Serrani-Yarce, Luis Escamilla-Trevino, Jaime Barros, Lina Gallego-Giraldo, Yunqiao Pu, Art J. Ragauskas, Richard A. Dixon* (2021)

Biotechnology for Biofuels, Volume 14, Article number 50

27. Editorial: Biofuels and Bioenergy

Jin Zhang*, Jaime Barros, Meng-Zhu Lu (2020)

Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 11, Article number 621380

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