Treating Addictions LLC founders bring combined 20 plus years of experience including the treatment of opioid abuse, treatment of withdrawal symptoms and mental wellness engagement.
We are the best telehealth platform that treats addictions with proven effectiveness. Our priority is SAFETY and RECOVERY in the comfort and confidentiality of your home or private space.
The clinical team consists of clinicians, nurses, social workers who have worked closely for years with those who have encountered opioid use disorders.
We allow affordable accessible care to non insured.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Medication Assisted Treatment and what is Suboxone (buprenorphine)?MAT is an effective treatment option in treating opioid use disorder and is first line combined with counseling to help clients aid in recovery. Our patients are able to live normal lives, go to work, not miss out on any family events, it does not impede with your life schedule in comparison to methadone because there is no need to attend an in-person clinic every morning. Suboxone decreases cravings and treats withdrawal symptoms including pain. It also has shown to lower the risk of what we all want to avoid in our population: DEADLY OPIOID OVERDOSES, At this time the CDC data has provided that overdose deaths from opioid use increased from 70,029 in 2020 to 80,816 in 2021. Our aim here is to play a role in decreasing this number.
Do I need to come in person?We are a confidential telemedicine-based treatment addiction service. Due to the coronavirus emergency the DEA has granted certified specialists like us to use telemedicine technology without an initial in person visit. Regulating bodies including OASAS, Department of Health are recognizing the importance of having accessible care and the effectiveness of this medication lowering the risk of overdose deaths and the exception has been granted.
Who is eligible for treatment?Anyone struggling with opioids or those on Suboxone who want to transfer their care to a more convenient, private care setting.
How much does treatment cost?The subscription membership plan is $185.00 a month without insurance. Lower than all the other telemedicine platforms. It includes all your visits via video calls, treatment management, and ongoing support from our team.
What medications does Treating Addictions prescribe?At this moment our clinicians primarily prescribe Suboxone, Naloxone, Narcan. We address withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, stomach cramps, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and diarrhea.
Are there any no show fees?To respect our clinicians time and the clients who are waiting to be seen. Treating addictions charges no show fees. If this visit is a no show or canceled within 12 hours of the appointment time it is a $25.00 fee.


You can donate to our cause to help us provide free care for those who are unable to pay or are uninsured.