When you donate you become part of the Mission Link Team and participate in a world-changing ministry. With your generous support our missionary work helps expand the kingdom of God and we are blessed that you would choose to partner with us.
We provide two methods for donating:
Every believer has been called by the Great Commission to reach the nations with the love of Jesus and the good news of salvation in Him alone. One way to be obedient to this call is to financially assist our brothers and sisters who are engaged in the mission. (Mat. 28:19-20)
Online donations: If you opt to cover the service fee with your donation, then 90% will be used for the cause for which it was given. Otherwise, approximately 88% of your contribution goes directly to the mission field. An estimated 2% goes to PayPal + 10% is withheld by MLI for operating costs.
Mailed donations: Exactly 90% of your contribution goes directly and quickly to the mission field. Only 10% is withheld by MLI for our operating costs as an international missions organization.